Open Source
CalculiX for Coreform Cubit
The CalculiX Component enables full Preprocessing for CalculiX in Coreform Cubit. Preprocessing for Calculix and generating high quality meshes was never easier. Full Model definitions for CalculiX can be done and after the run with CalculiX the results will be automatically converted for Paraview.
The source code can be found at:
Also take a look at our Youtube Channel CubitCalculiX . We will post videos from examples and updates in the near future.
If you don´t have an Cubit license yet, don´t worry, just use the free Cubit-Learn-License or take the trial.
Key Features
- Element Sets
- Node Sets
- Side Sets
- Materials
- Compression Only
- Conductivity (Isotropic, Orthotropic, Anisotropic)
- Creep
- Cyclic Hardening
- Damping
- Deformation Plasticity
- Density
- Elastic (Isotropic, Orthotropic, Anisotropic, Engineering Constants)
- Expansion (Isotropic, Orthotropic, Anisotropic)
- Hyperelastic (Arruda-Boyce, Mooney-Rivlin, Neo Hooke, Ogden, Polynomial, reduced Polynomial, Yeoh)
- Hyperfoam
- Mohr Coulomb
- Mohr Coulomb Hardening
- Plastic (Isotropic, Kinematic, Combined, Johnson Cook)
- Rate Dependent
- Specific Heat
- Tension Only
- Materiallibrary
- easy to use library: materials can be created, modified and deleted, imported from cubit and exported into cubit
- already contains some default materials
- Sections
- Solid
- Shell
- Membrane
- Beam
- Constraints
- Tie
- Rigid Body
- Surface Interactions (Exponential, Linear, Tabular, Tied, Hard)
- Contact Pairs (Node to Surface, Surface to Surface, Mortar, LinMortar, PgLinMortar)
- Amplitudes
- Orientations
- Damping
- Physical Constants
- Loads
- Forces (CLOAD)
- Pressures(DLOAD)
- Heatfluxes (DFLUX)
- Gravities (GRAVITY)
- Centrifugal (CENTRIF)
- Film
- Radiation
- Trajectories (Heatflux)
- Boundary Conditions
- Displacements
- Temperatures
- Initial Conditions
- Displacements
- Temperatures
- History Outputs
- Field Outputs
- Static
- Frequency
- Buckle
- Heat Transfer
- Coupled Temperature Displacement
- Uncoupled Temperature Displacement
- Dynamic
- Modal Dynamic
- Steady State Dynamics
- Complex Frequency
- No Analysis
- Adding Customlines before/after Keywords
- Export of Calculix Model
- Creation and Running of Jobs
- Conversion of Results to Paraview
- .frd nodal results, auto calculating von Mises and Principal Stresses
- .dat: nodal, element and integration points results, auto calculating von Mises and Principal Stresses
- visualization of single parts with mulitblock inspector
- visualization of integration point results
- Projection of Displacements from .frd to mesh
- Opening of Results with CGX or Paraview
- Results can be viewed, plotted and exported to .csv
- Displaying of loads and boundary conditions
- Python Interface to query the result files. This can be used to run convergence studies or do mesh refinement based on the results.
- The calculix model data and the loaded frd and dat results will be saved and loaded automatically with the standard cubit fileformat .cub5
How to
To get an overview of all new commands type
ccx ?
in cubit mode (#!cubit)
For the functions of the python interface type
in python mode (#!python)